Monday, October 31, 2022

Keys To Office Cleaning And Maintenance

Quick Cleaning is the best cleaning service in Chicago.

Cleaning Your Home With A Busy Schedule

Every day, week, and month, we want to leave our schedule as open as possible to do many things. Going out, hanging with friends or family, and even cleaning. For the latter, it can be hard to set a specific day because everyone would rather spend a day resting than doing a house cleaning in Chicago. Especially if you are busy every day. Well, today we want to give some tips about cleaning your home with a busy schedule. Read on if you want to learn how to make the most out of your time when it comes to deep cleaning in Chicago.

Remove things that you don't need

Clutter is something bad that no one should have. Before you start cleaning your home with a busy schedule, you need to prepare. We have a very handy decluttering guide you might want to follow. If you do, call a junk removal service to get rid of all those things. You can also plan a garage sale to make some extra bucks. But, remember that is always important that you remove all the clutter before starting. This will give you more time to clean and prepare things.

Bit by bit

One of the cleaning mistakes that people with busy schedule do is try to get all in one go. Don’t worry, take your time. It is better to spend a little time every day cleaning small parts of the house. You can make a weekly schedule and tackle a room per day. This will make the cleaning less stressful and help you relax a bit whenever you arrive home. However, remember that we also offer deep cleaning services. If you want some help with your cleaning, call us! We can do all sorts of deep cleaning services in Chicago. From appliance cleaning to general cleaning. Call today for the best cleaning services in Chicago.

How To Clean Aluminum Easily

Aluminum is a material that needs careful cleaning. Applying special techniques to avoid mistreating or scratching surfaces. It is a material that is resistant to high temperatures and oxidizes quickly, leaving unsightly stains. If you want to learn how to clean aluminum easily. Then, be sure to read our article because in it we will teach you some simple methods, so you can become a professional home cleaning service in Chicago.

Baking Soda and Lemon

This method to how to clean aluminum easily with baking soda and the juice of a lemon is very simple. It is enough to put both ingredients together and rub the resulting mixture on the aluminum you want to clean, soaked in a sponge. Likewise, if you do not have any of these ingredients, you can also use toothpaste as an alternative. Since its composition contains peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. Which are very effective ingredients for this kind of cleaning. Pour some toothpaste on a piece of dry paper, and rub it on the aluminum with circular movements until you observe that the stain disappears. Something that many deep cleaning services in Chicago use. It is important that you try this solution when doing your house cleaning in Chicago. It'll save you a lot of money.

Vinegar, flour, and salt

Learning how to clean aluminum with these three ingredients is quick and easy, and is the best for your kitchen equipment. The result has to be like a paste. And it is achieved by mixing, in a cup full of white vinegar, and a tablespoon of salt, and then you have to add little by little the flour, as you go mixing. Then, you will only have to test if the mixture is effective on the aluminum. Apply the paste with the help of a cloth, and let it act between 15 minutes and an hour, depending on the condition of the aluminum. After this time, to check the results, clean the area with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. As always, call your favorite deep cleaning company in Chicago to make sure your house is ready for anything.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Halloween Decorations For Your Office

Call us at: 1–773–800–25–24 

Airbnb Bedroom Essentials

As hosts, we all have to remember one important thing. The types of guests. There are two clear types of people that book an Airbnb. Those who work inside the Airbnb property almost all day and go outside for a bit and those that go on vacation and only use the Airbnb to sleep. For the latter, it is important that you make sure the bedroom has all the must-have amenities it needs. That is why today we want to talk about the Airbnb cleaning in Chicago essentials for your property. Read on to learn about the things that you need to have inside the bedroom at all times.

Eco-friendly mattress

Eco-friendly things are everywhere. From green cleaning to composite fences, and so on. It is important to make sure that this trend continues inside your property too. One of the most important Airbnb bedroom essentials is the mattress. Having an eco-friendly mattress will let your guests enjoy their night without issues. Issues such as allergies, bedbugs, and so on. So, make sure to invest in one. Also, make sure you get a cleaning service in Chicago. It is something good that’ll last for a lot of time and people love sleeping on something that’s eco-friendly.

Hotel-quality pillows

A good bed isn’t a bed without hotel-quality pillows. This is the next purchase you have to make. Always find a way to get some good pillows for your guests. This will make their sleeping a lot better and they’ll enjoy every single hour inside the bedroom. Plus, higher-quality stuff is important because you won’t be spending money on pillows constantly. Some people try to save money by buying in bulk but it is a lot better to spend money on quality things instead of replacing a lot of things every time. Speaking of quality though, remember to always get a good Airbnb cleaning service in Chicago to help with bedroom cleaning. This is another essential thing for bedrooms and you should never sleep on deep cleaning services in Chicago.

Cleaning Hacks That Will Save You Time

When it comes to cleaning, we all want to do it fast. This is the best way to work. Knowing how to clean efficiently is perfect because you’ll have time to do other things. Especially if you have a busy schedule to do cleaning. That is why today we bring you some cleaning hacks that will save you time. Read on if you want to learn how our professional cleaners in Chicago do the cleaning in a fast way. Following these tips will ensure that you stay happy when cleaning and leave that home sparkling clean.

Use brooms to clean baseboards

Cleaning baseboards is horrible. You need to kneel down, clean them with your hand, and trust us, your back will feel it. Forget about that, cleaning baseboards can be easier if you wrap a cloth around a broom. With that, you can clean without having to kneel down. This will save you a lot of time and effort. So, make sure to practice this every time you do your deep cleaning in Chicago. It is an amazing way to clean and you’ll be used to this. It is one of the most common cleaning hacks that will save you time out there when house cleaning in Chicago.

Use homemade products

One thing that we also recommend is that you make your own products to clean. This saves you the trip of going to the store and choosing the solution that your house needs. There are a lot of recipes out there to clean your house, your kitchen equipment, and even the bathroom. So, make sure that you try the right solutions when it comes to cleaning. However, if you prefer to clean everything in one go, call us! Our deep cleaning services in Chicago are always on standby ready to clean any home. We work 24/7. Call today!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Good Mood In The Office

Quick Cleaning is the best cleaning service in Chicago.

Reasons Why You Should Move During Winter

We all know that, of all the seasons, winter isn’t one that people recommend too much when it comes to moving. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t reasons why you should move during winter. When it comes to that, it is important to know how to plan a successful move, regardless of the season. Also, you need to make sure that you get the right people to help, a cleaning service, a junk removal service, and so on. So, before you plan your winter move, check this article because we’ll tell you a few of our reasons why you should move during winter. If you do, make sure to get some move in cleaning services in Chicago to help.

It might be cheaper

We say it might but it might depend on the moving company. A lot of times, summer and fall are the best seasons for moving, that is why during winter, most moving companies don’t work that much. But, with that in mind, the price could go a little lower. If you are planning to save a bit of money, try your luck during winter. You might benefit from people moving before. That is a good reason because as you know, moving is expensive. It is always good to save some money while doing it. You can also get a cleaning service in Chicago to help. While not too expensive, it is an extra expense. Yet, having a house cleaning service in Chicago ready to help is good.

Nothing like a winter landscape

Beyond the fact that cleaning during winter can be a hassle, moving during winter has its benefits. The main one is the look of the landscape when moving. Do you want to fall in love with your new home? Try moving during this season. There’s nothing more beautiful than moving when the weather is snowy and perfect for people to cozy up. Yet, the other seasons might be easier but, that doesn’t mean you should stop your plans due to the season. If you require help with the cleaning, contact us! We have the best move-out cleaning in Chicago for you.

Things You Should Leave Behind When Moving

When it comes to moving, we all want to make the process as light and easy as possible. However, some things have emotional baggage and we tend to carry them. But, that will only make a moving mistake even more evident. So, it is important that in order to plan a move, you need to carry only the necessary. So, that is why today we want to talk about the things you should leave behind when moving. Read on to make sure that your moving day goes as smoothly as possible. Our move out cleaning services in Chicago bring you the best move out and move in Cleaning in Chicago tips.

Anything you haven't used in over a year

There is a clear rule when it comes to choosing which things you should leave behind when moving. The one-year rule is one that we try to enforce and recommend. The easiest way to make your moving day easier is by getting rid of anything you haven’t used in a year. This includes clothes, items, furniture, and so on. So, make sure that you make a list of those things in advance. Even decluttering takes time so it is important that you always look for that before you start packing. This will make the process a lot faster and smoother. You can consider getting a same day cleaning service in Chicago for that too.

Anything that is considered clutter

Another thing that you need to think about is clutter. How much do you have? Where do you have it? Do you really need all of it? Answering these questions will help you make a choice. As usual, you can also hire a junk removal service to help you with that. Either way, it is important to do a good deep cleaning before moving out. With that in mind, you’ll be able to take with you only what’s necessary and you won’t have any problems when the day arrives. But, for more help, call us! We are always ready and eager to help as one of the best cleaning services in Chicago.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Path to Becoming a Super Host

When it comes to looking for Airbnb hosting tips, most people always look for ways to become a super host. This is the highest coveted status for all those who aspire to have their property on top of the list. It is important to know how to become one and it is also important to mention that the process takes a lot of time. While there are a lot of things to up your hosting game, you will require dedication, patience, and a lot of time. So, if you want to learn about the path to becoming a super host, read on! As a cleaning service in Chicago, we have all the tips here.

Make sure you meet all requirements

You can find a detailed list of all the super host requirements, this is going to be the most important part. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your property is. If you don’t comply with what Airbnb is asking for, you won’t make the cut. That is why we always say that it is important to work accordingly to what Airbnb cleaning in Chicago requires. Things like almost no cancellation rate, good reviews, and so on. So, make sure to read all you’ll need to get started on the path to becoming a super host before even trying.

Get the property in top condition

If you achieve the super host status, then it is important to have the property in great condition all the time. You can lose the status, that is a fact. Achieving it takes a lot so better make sure to never lost it. For that, make sure that it is always clean. Ensure that there are no supplies missing from the place. Preparing the property for all situations will mark a difference between you and your competition. As always, never hesitate on calling an Airbnb cleaning service in Chicago to help with your recurring deep cleaning in Chicago.

Things To Avoid When Hosting An Airbnb

When working as an Airbnb host, it is very important to look for things to avoid when hosting an Airbnb. Even if hosting an Airbnb is a very noble and great job, it also takes some care to pull it off. As a new host, it is important to know the common hosting mistakes and what things you should do to up your hosting game. That is why today in this article we want to talk about all the things to avoid when hosting an Airbnb. So, read on if you want to become the #1 Airbnb host and increase that income as soon as possible. As always, Airbnb cleaning in Chicago plays a big role in this. That is why it is important to have a cleaning company in Chicago ready at all times.

Never leave comments unanswered

When it comes to hosting an Airbnb, part of being successful is creating a good communication chain between guest and host. Usually, after hosting, you might get one or two comments. So, you should never leave comments unanswered. It is very important that you always make a lot of online presence and the best way to do that is with comments. Always answer all of them. Good or bad. You have to always look at them and make sure that you worry and care about what your guests think.

Never be out of supplies

Speaking of good and bad comments, most of them are due to a lack of supplies or something that wasn’t cleaned correctly. Focusing on the first thing, it is important that you always make sure that you have all the supplies needed for your guests. You have to make sure that you’re well-stocked in your property. Also, as an extra, make sure that the place is clean. Nowadays, there are a lot of Airbnb cleaning services in Chicago out there that can help. Such as ours. So, if you want help with that, call us! We also offer deep cleaning services in Chicago for any residential and commercial property.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Excellent Hygiene In Your Business

Quick Cleaning is the best cleaning service in Hyde Park.

Benefits of Recurring Apartment Cleaning

A lot of people think that cleaning an apartment is really easy to clean. And while it can be, with the right checklists and processes, there are some things you have to do when cleaning right. It is important that you make sure that you never get too confident when it comes to cleaning an apartment. There are a lot of places where dirt might hide. From baseboards to below or on your kitchen equipment. Whichever the place, it is important to get some help if you lack the time to clean it. That is why today we tell you about the benefits of recurring apartment cleaning in Hyde Park.

A healthier place

One of the biggest benefits of recurring deep cleaning in Hyde Park will always be a healthier place to live in. Some people don’t think about it too much but, cleaning can lead to a healthier apartment or house. Why? Well, in smaller places, a lot of allergens can get stuck on walls or other places. That is why recurring cleaning is so important nowadays. Removing mold isn’t something you do once and that’s it. You need to prevent it at any chance you get. So, don’t hesitate and consider hiring a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning service in Hyde Park.

Damage prevention

As we mentioned above, cleaning can also lead to less damage inside your apartment. The most common damage you’ll see is due to mold. When that happens, it can be very hard, and sometimes it appears after we’ve let it sit for a while. Recurring cleaning can make wonders to prevent a lot of these damages. So, don’t think twice. Your apartment is the place where you live and have people over. The cleaner it is, the better you’ll live and feel inside it. So, call us today if you require some apartment cleaning services in Hyde Park

Cleaning Can Increase The Value of Your Property

If you’ve been in the rental property market, you know that people are always looking for ways to increase value. You can add things like residential fences and even outdoor living spaces. However, there are other things that you can do to attract people to a house you want to sell. Cleaning services in Hyde Park can do wonders for any house or apartment. It is important that you hire a company to see how cleaning can increase the value of your property. If you want to learn more, this article is for you. As always, we love bringing you some apartment cleaning in Hyde Park checklists for any situation and anytime.

Attracts people

Let’s imagine you’re having an open house for your apartment. These places are tight and you need to find ways to make them look a lot more attractive. With cleaning, you can achieve that. That is why it is important to learn that cleaning can increase the value of your property. By hiring a professional deep cleaning company in Hyde Park you’ll know they’ll do the job to attract people inside it. This is something good because a clean apartment will show people how it could look in the future. A bit of cleaning here and there and you’ll have people asking for your property.

Damage removal

There are a lot of things that can affect any house. Mold, stains, smells, and so on. By cleaning, you can make sure that none of these things appear or stop appearing. For example, mold. While you can clean it by yourself, it is always better to hire an apartment cleaning service. Doing so will make everything a lot easier and will remove all traces from it, hence, increasing your property’s value. So, don’t think twice and call an apartment cleaning service in Hyde Park that can help you with all these things and more.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Why Is The Cleaning Of Commercial Premises Important?

 Commercial cleaning services in Chicago.

Tips to Pack a Garage Before Moving

The garage is one of the places we really never like to pack. The other one is the attic. However, today we’ll focus on the former. Packing a garage isn’t an easy feat and it takes time, effort, and a lot of patience. While you can always call a junk removal company to get rid of everything, you might want to check everything first. That is why today we have some tips to pack a garage before moving. So, if you want to learn a bit more about that, keep reading. As always, we strive to bring you the best move-out cleaning in Chicago tips out there.

The one-year rule

The best rule you can follow when looking for tips to pack a garage before moving is to do the one-year rule. Something that move-out cleaning services in Chicago recommend. What is that though? Well, of all the clutter that you might have in your garage, ask yourself: have you used it in the last year? If you haven’t then, make sure to throw it out or donate it. This is one of the best things that you can do when you’re packing your garage. Follow this rule and you’ll see how fast and easy the decluttering process will be.

Throw a garage sale

If you want to make an extra buck before moving, why not throw a garage sale? This is something common that a lot of people do in their neighborhoods and it is something very useful. Just make sure to make a deep cleaning in Chicago first. Plus, it is a great way to have some extra money for whatever expense appears during your moving day. So, talk with your family and organize one. You will be decluttering without wanting to. But, if you want some help, call us! We have the best cleaning services in Chicago out there for every moving day. Call today!

Most Important Rooms To Clean Before Moving

While we could start and finish this article by saying all rooms are important, some of them are even more. When it comes to cleaning to ensure your security deposit, there are some places you might want to clean more thoroughly. From the kitchen equipment to the light fixtures. But, beyond those, also some specific places in the house. While the garage and attic are places you gotta watch out for, there are others too. That is why today we tell you about the most important rooms to clean before moving. So, read on to prepare for your move-in cleaning in Chicago.

The bathroom

As we mentioned, all rooms are important, however, the bathroom is something that can make or break the day you ask for your deposit. Usually, the bathroom tends to be a place that is always clean. Yet, if you don’t clean it as it should, a lot of things might happen. It is without a doubt one of the most important rooms to clean before moving. So, make sure that you hire a cleaning service in Chicago. Preferably a deep cleaning service in Chicago to get rid of the mold, humidity, and other things that might affect this room of your house.

The kitchen

Besides each own’s bedroom, the kitchen is another place where we spend most of our time. Cooking is great but it can be really messy. That is why it is important that you take extra care about cleaning it to its finest detail. One place people tend to forget is the pantry so, we recommend that you focus on this and inside every drawer. Make sure the oven and the dishwasher are in perfect condition and beyond that, everything will be fine. So, make sure to always ask for help from a move-out cleaning service in Chicago or follow your favorite guide to leaving the house in top condition.

Keep Your Office Clean And Tidy

Quick Cleaning is the best cleaning service in Hyde Park

Keeping your office clean and tidy is a task that should be simple, but over the course of long workdays, it can turn into a nightmare.

Essential keys

There are three essential keys to achieve this: discipline, routine and respect. Discipline because we need to be professional not only with the work we do, but also with the space in which we carry it out.

Try not to have too many personal things in your workspace.

No food during working hours.

Don’t eat or drink at your desk. Not only are you putting at risk all the documentation we were talking about, not to mention the computer equipment.

Contact us now and get your free quote! - 24 Hour Service Call us at: 1-773-800-2524

Monday, October 24, 2022

Tips For A Clean Office

 Office Cleaning Chicago.

How To Green Clean An Apartment

In this day and age, we all want to clean in a different way. With all the products that harm people and the environment, everyone is trying to shift to green cleaning. This is something amazing but, as with everything else in life, needs learning. That is why today we tell you how to do apartment cleaning in Chicago. It is important that you know the basics if you want to green clean as professionals do it. So, read on to learn how to green clean an apartment with our guide brought by deep cleaning in Chicago experts.

Get familiarized with baking soda

The first and most important product you’ll be using for green cleaning is baking soda. People underestimate the power of this product. That is why you should try it as soon as possible. Being able to apply this product when you clean is something that professionals do. You can use this product to clean a variety of things. From mattresses to pans and pots. This product can make miracles. Especially if you combine it with white vinegar. Now, you can always get your favorite green cleaning product, but we recommend that you start with baking soda first. This is something that a lot of deep cleaning services in Chicago do.

Use old clothes to clean

If you have clothes that are beyond saving or donating, use them for something different. In this case, cleaning. You can make rags out of clothes. This can save you a lot of money when buying paper towels or expensive cleaning materials. This is something great for small places like an apartment. So, if you want to get rid of the dust in a green way, wear your old clothes. Cleaning companies in Chicago don’t do this because they have their own rags, but, you can do it. Just, never use them on glass. You’ll just stain it more. And remember that, if you want an extra pair of hands, call us. We’ll be happy to help with your apartment cleaning.