Wednesday, March 15, 2023

If you are thinking of starting your own AIRBNB and don't know where to start, cleanliness is the first essential step, call us at 773-800-2524

To ensure that your guests feel comfortable and happy during their stay, you need to keep hygiene in mind. If you need help getting started with cleaning, don't hesitate to call us at 773-800-2524. We are here to provide you with the Best Airbnb Cleaning Services and help you with everything you need to make your AIRBNB a success.

Airbnb has established a cleaning process that all hosts must follow that consists of five essential steps: prepare, clean, sanitize, check, and reset. These steps ensure that the accommodation is in perfect condition for guests' arrival and that the high standards of quality and cleanliness that Airbnb demands are met. 

By following these steps, hosts can ensure that their guests have a satisfying and comfortable experience during their stay in their accommodation.

  • The first step in Airbnb's cleaning process is to "prepare." This means that the host must make sure to properly ventilate the space, select and use approved cleaning products, and carefully read the instructions for use of each product to ensure effective and safe cleaning. This step is essential to prepare the accommodation for the arrival of guests and to ensure that it is properly cleaned and disinfected.

  • The second step of the Airbnb cleaning process is "wiping down." This step involves performing activities such as sweeping, vacuuming, dusting and/or wiping surfaces, washing dishes and clothes, and cleaning all hard surfaces with soap and water. It is important that this process is carried out thoroughly to ensure that all areas of the accommodation are completely clean and free of visible dirt. This step is essential to create a pleasant and comfortable environment for guests during their stay in the accommodation.

  • The third step of Airbnb's cleaning process is "sanitizing". This involves spraying the surfaces most likely to be touched with an aerosol disinfectant, making sure to cover the entire surface evenly. The disinfectant should then be allowed to take effect for the time recommended by the manufacturer to ensure the elimination of any bacteria or viruses present on the surface. Finally, the surface should be allowed to air dry before guests enter the housing. This step is essential to ensure the elimination of germs and the prevention of communicable diseases.

  • The fourth step of the Airbnb cleaning process is to "verify." This involves consulting the room-specific guidelines in the checklists in the manual provided by Airbnb. It is important to carefully review every detail and ensure that all requirements for each room have been met before the cleaning is completed. 

It is also important to share these practices with the host team and cleaning staff to ensure that everyone is aligned in meeting Airbnb's high standards for cleanliness. This step is crucial to ensure that Airbnb's requirements are met and provide a satisfactory hosting experience for guests.

  • The fifth and final step in Airbnb's cleaning process is "resetting." This involves washing hands before replacing products and items in their proper place, discarding or washing cleaning supplies and protective equipment used during cleaning, and not re-entering a room once it is sanitized and cleaned. 

In addition, equipment used during cleaning should be cleaned between stays to avoid cross-contamination. This step is important to ensure that the accommodation is ready for guests and that all necessary steps have been taken to provide a safe and clean accommodation experience.

It is important to remember that maintaining a clean and tidy environment in your Airbnb accommodation is crucial to ensure the satisfaction and safety of your guests. By maintaining good hygiene, you will be able to prevent the spread of diseases and provide a healthier environment for your guests and yourself. 

In addition, a clean and tidy space can also influence your guests' decision to stay at your property again in the future, as they will feel more comfortable and safe. Therefore, it is important to dedicate time and effort in maintaining good hygiene and order in your accommodation to ensure a satisfactory experience for your guests.

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient cleaning service for your Airbnb accommodation in Chicago, don't hesitate to contact us at 773-800-2524. Our experts are highly trained and ready to help you leave your home in perfect cleaning condition on the same day. We make sure that every space in your accommodation meets the necessary cleaning and disinfection standards to ensure the satisfaction and safety of your guests. So don't wait any longer to enjoy a stress-free life and trust us to provide you with the best Airbnb Cleaning Services Chicago Il. We are ready to help you at any time.

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